Small Things

Small Things

St. Mother Teresa was canonized a couple of years ago. She was a great woman that did many great things although she would not see it that way. She did exactly what the quote above says: "Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love." We are asked to practice the virtue of Charity all the time.  According to a definition of Charity, it means: benevolent (well meaning) goodwill toward or love of humanity-generosity and helpfulness especially toward the needy or suffering. Showing charity or love to others not only takes money or things, it takes time. Some are not willing to give too much of their time. I am sure that all of us know someone or an organization that is charitable. Do you know anyone who has given their life for others like St. Mother Teresa? WOW how wonderful that would be!

1. Do you show charity to others? If so, what do you do? Why do you do it? If you do not show charity to others - why?

2. What are some things that a person your age can do to show charity to others?

3. Do you show charity to only those you know or do you show charity to others as well?

4. State a few ways that you can be more charitable and how you will make time to do those things.


  1. 1. I show charity to others. I help people when they are in need or when they need help. I do it because it's the right thing to do, and I know that God will be happy. I think it is good for my faith and my relationship with God when I show charity.

    2. There are things someone my age can do to show charity. They can help out at homeless shelters, and help people in need. They can go to stray rescues. They can also do simple things like helping out an elderly neighbor or picking up litter.

    3. I usually show charity to everyone. It is easier showing charity to people I know, but it is better to show charity to people I don't know. You need to show charity to everyone because other people might need your help. Not only your friends need help.

    4. There are a few ways that I want to be more charitable to others. I want to donate more of my old clothes that I don't wear anymore. I want to help out the elderly more often. Finally, I just want to help out my friends more instead of just letting them do things on their own.

  2. 1. Yes, I think I do show charity to others. I show charity to others by, helping someone out when they don't have the ability to do so and give up some of my time to try to support and help them. I think this is important to do because, being nice and talking to someone is one thing but really taking time out of my life to help and guide people is another thing and I not only do it for the job but because it makes me feel good inside when I try to put myself out there for others even when I may not want to.

    2. Some things people my age can do to show charity to others are, giving away their clothes that don't fit them anymore to charities who need it. Donating maybe a couple dollars to a fundraiser that needs it in your area. Helping at any homeless/animal shelter is also good too by giving up some of your time to help, understand what they are going through and try to get some of their needs with food and clothing.

    3. I do try to show charity to everyone besides the people who I know are sick and need help. I've learned over time that being with other people who you are not used to being around or helping out with them, can sometimes help me realize more of who I am and what it is really like to be a understanding person. Showing charity is something I have always done around the people I know in my area but i do want to try to branch out more to not only keep learning about myself but to help others in a better and stronger way.

    4. A few ways that I can be more charitable to others are, visiting and helping out at more homeless/animal shelters. I also would like to help/donate more money to new fundraisers that I'm not familiar with so I can meet and help more people with their needs. I will make time to do these things by, giving up things that are not as important as this and planning ahead so i know i will not be busy or something else comes up.

  3. 1) I do show charity to others. I do it to help them. You should always show charity whether you know the person or not.

    2) You could help people by donating to a shelter. You could visit people at the hospital and write them cards. You can also help around your house and do small things every day.

    3) I show charity to both the people I know and don't know. I can help people whenever they need help. I will also include people who I don;t know to hang out with us and become their friend.

    4) I will have better time management to get everything done. That way I will have more time on my hands. With that time I will try and do everything I have typed above.

    1. Need to restate the question in your answers and make your sentenes a bit more complex.

  4. 1. I try my best to show charity to others by helping them and doing service for them. I do it because I like the feeling of making other people happy. I don't always show charity two others, but I try to do my best to do it. I know how it feels to have someone be kind to me so I like to do it to others because I like the feeling.

    2. Something a person can do to show charity is helping them with homework or gathering homework if they're sick. I think it is important to go beyond school when doing things for others. Because we're still young, it is easy for us to do yard work or any sort of work at all usually, so we could help others or elderly with that. Also we could help our not so good friends to get closer.

    3. Mostly people know, because if I don't know people then It's hard to give to them unless it's an anonymous thing for volunteer work. I mostly do charity to people I know like the school and church. It is harder to do work for people you don’t know because you have to go out of your way rather than just going to your neighbor's house.

    4. I can be more involved in my church community. I will try to make time by making it a priority rather than doing something that I don’t have to spend time doing, like playing on my phone. I can also start helping others in my community at home.

    1. Very nice, #3 you should restate the question in your answer.

  5. 1. I show charity to others whenever I get the chance. I show charity by giving my time to help people with whatever they need. I like showing charity, because it is very easy, and can bring joy and happiness to a person. Even though it can be very simple it has an amazing reward. The reward is the joy you bring to the person who you are helping.

    2. People my age can show charity to. They can take out trash for a neighbor who might not be physically able to take it out. Kids my age can also pray for those who need help. Praying is something everyone can do.

    3. I show charity mostly to people I know, but I do sometimes show charity to elderly even if I do not know them. The reason that I do not show charity to everyone is because you can
    t trust everyone in the world. There are dangerous people out in the world, so I just can't trust everyone, because their are people out there who will lie and hurt people.

    4.There is a lot of ways I can be more charitable. For example I could give my time to help at a place for elderly. I could spend more time praying for those who need help. I could help people carry their things if they are hurt.

  6. 1. I always try to show charity to others. If it is something as simple as helping my family or friends, or doing something larger. I show charity to others because if you can help someone why not help them. If you can make someones day better why not do it.

    2. Something people my age can do are, they could do something as simple as helping your neighbor do something. You could just help a friend with a problem on homework. If someone you know is sick you could bring them food.

    3. I try to show show charity to everyone. I show charity to most people I know and people I don't know. You don't always know who you can trust. You don't personally know them so you don't know exactly how to help them.

    4.After school when I'm done with homework I can help my neighbors. On the weekends I can also do charity. I could visit the sick or the homeless. I can pray for others I know or don't know.

  7. Yes, I do show charity to others. I show Charity to others by helping someone when they were unable to do something. If they can't grab something and I can I will grab it for them. I do it to help others. I do it to make others happy and to make myself happy because I am helping others.
    There are many things kids my age can do to show charity to others. When there is an event at school sign up so you can help out. If there is an event at church then sign up to help with clean up, or if there is something that someone in the school needs.
    I think it is a mix of both. Mainly I think I show charity to others I know. Sometimes I show charity others I don't know either. I think it is important to show others charity. Lots of people need charity.
    There are many ways that I can be more charitable towards others. I can be more involved in school. I can donate my old clothes to a shelter for the less fortunate. I can also just be more helpful to my friends and family.

  8. I do show charity. I show charity by helping coach soccer to kids. I do it because it’s cool to see their faces when they get a new skill.

    There are many things people my age could do to show charity. One way would be by helping the elders of the parish. One other way could be by shoveling snow or cutting the grass for your family and neighbors.

    I show charity to both. I will admit that I show more to people I know over people I do know. I do show charity to people I do not know but not as much as I should.

    I can be more charitable by helping my neighbors or my family members. I can also be more charities by helping out more at school just doing the little things that need to get done that people don’t want to do. I will make time for this by having better time management and priorities.

  9. Yes, I show charity to others. I show it by helping them when they need help. If it is something in school or out, I will try to show it whenever I get a chance to.

    You can do so many thing to help someone in need. If you neighbor can't cut the grass or if they are to old to take out the trash you can help them. If someone you know has a dog or if someone in your family need help with theirs you can help them. As a kid helping a Kid, you can help them with homework or if someone fell at the playground you can help them up.

    When I show charity I try to show it to everyone. Sometimes it's people I know or it can be people I don't. As long as your doing it to show you love God. If it's just for money then at least don't take the offer.

    A couple things I can do are help my neighbors cut the grass since they aren't home often. Also I can help my other neighbor take the trash out because she just got in a bad accident and the husband just got hip surgery. I can go around looking for people to help also. I can help someone old put the groceries in the car.

  10. 1. I do show charity. I believe that I show charity because, I make sure to help someone whenever they need help. I show charity by, taking time out of my day to help who ever needs help. I do this because, it makes me feel good. It makes me feel good because, I feel that I become a better christian and get closer to God.

    2. Somethings that people my age can do to be more charitable is, volunteer at places. They can donate old clothes they don't wear any more. They can help their friends, when they are in need. They can even just help teachers after school.

    3. I show charity to mostly people I now, but sometimes I try to show it others I don't now. I need to start showing it people I don't know because, that is what Jesus would do and I want to start being more like him. I also just need to do a lot more charitable things if I want to be more like Jesus and God.

    4.A few things I can do to be more charitable is give my elderly neighbor water on hot days, when he is cutting the grass. I can help my other neighbor with her dogs, cause they are a little wild. I will make time to do these things by making more of an effort.

  11. I show charity to others. I try to help people when they need help, or make them happy when they are sad. I do this because I like seeing people's faces after something kind is done for them.

    2. A few things a person my age can do to show charity are help others, talk to others, or do a kind deed for someone. For example, if someone is having trouble with something, go over and talk to them and then help them.

    3. I mostly show charity to those that I know. If I don't know someone, it is hard to go over and help them with something because I don't know what they are like. If I don't know the person, I usually just smile and move along because I don't want to go over to them just in case I say something that might offend them or do something the wrong way. Usually, even if you smile at someone that is having a bad day, you can make their day better.

    4. Some things I can do to be more charitable are donate some of my old clothes, volunteer at a shelter, or even help my family clean the house. I will try to do these things anytime I get the chance to.

  12. I do show charity to others. The little things like holding a door for someone who is crippled or helping someone with groceries goes a long way. I show charity because it genuinely feels good helping someone in need. I also show charity because it strengthens your relationship with God.

    Someone my age can do a lot to show charity. Like I mentioned before, you can help with holding doors for people and helping with groceries. Someone my age can also help an organization like the Ronald McDonald make food for the needy.

    I show charity to everyone. Sometimes it is hard to ask someone if they need help but it is worth it in the end. I know I will feel better if I do the good deed.

    There are a few ways I can be more charitable. Donating to organizations like Good Will or The Ronald McDonald House is one way. Another way is helping people with small deeds like helping an elderly woman cross the street.

  13. I do show charity but not as much as I would like to. I show charity when I help others doing simple things like getting their homework together or helping them when they are sad . I like making other people feel happy and by showing them charity it usually does

    There are many things children our age can do the show charity. Many things we can do our simple like raking the leaves for an elderly neighbor or shoveling snow or even just help babysitting someone you know.

    I show charity for both. I shady to a lot of my neighbors that I know or just random people I see on the street. I like knowing I can help people I don’t know maybe make their day a little bit better.

    I would like to try to volunteer at a hospital or a nursing home. I think over the summer I can make more time to help at those places instead of always playing soccer or watching a Netflix show.

  14. 1.Yes, I do show charity towards others. I will help anybody no matter what they need help with or however it is I will help them. Whether I know how to do whatever they need help with or not I will still help them.

    2.There is a lot of things someone my age can do to show charity to others. Over the summer a group of kids and I went to the Ronald McDonald house and we made food for them and we cleaned up around the house. Someone can volunteer at a organization for the sick,elder or poor, and help out other people. There are many things someone my age can do to show charity.

    3.I show to others. If I am walking out out of somewhere anywhere I will hold the door for anybody or anyone that is walking through them. I will help pretty much anybody at anytime.

    4.I will try to be more charitable in many ways. One of those ways will be that I will try to volunteer at more places and more often. I will also try to do random acts to make other peoples days better and help them out.

  15. 1. I show charity to others. I try to help people who need help. I try to give money to some but others if I don’t have cash I give them food. I do it because some of us are lucky to be given shelter by God and others have no home and no money or food. It makes me feel good knowing that I helped someone in need.

    2. There are a lot of things they can do to help. They could help homeless and everyone else in need. They could donate food or clothes and shoes. Also they could help by going and playing games with them, some of them don’t have family and are sad, it will make their day if you play with you.

    3. I try to show charity to everyone. It is easier to give to my friends, but it isn’t as meaningful as helping the poor. I do give charity easier to my friends but I think it is more important to donate to poor though.

    4. I will help by spending time with the poor and elderly. I could also remember to bring money with me everywhere. I could also remember to bring food everywhere I go.

  16. 1. I do show charity to others. The way I show charity to others is by lending a helping hand. The reason I show charity is because I wanna treat others how I want to be treated.

    2. The way people my age can show charity to others is by helping at shelter. Another way is you can volunteer at school or in your community. Those are the ways people my age can show charity to others around us.

    3. I show charity to other people I may not know. I also show charity to people that I do know. If you show charity to others then it might make there day.

    4. The way I can be more charitable is by not always putting my self first. Another way I can be more charitable is by doing random acts of kindness. That is the ways I can be more charitable towards others.

  17. I show charity by helping other people. By doing service and helping others I can show charity and I show charity to others because it is the right thing to do and it is an act of kindness.

    Do service opportunity's and help others. Even the smallest things can really help. It doesn't need to be a big act but something as small as donating a couple dollars to a charity or helping clean up trash in your neighborhood.

    I definitely try to help all people but I feel like it is easier to help other people you don't know because it is seen as a true random act of kindness. If you show charity to a friend they make think you are trying to get your way in something or trying to get something from them.

    Set aside more time to really help people and my community. Spend less time on my phone and get out in the world and help people who are less fortunate than me. Help out charity's like Ronald McDonald house or help out at the Humane society.

  18. I do show charity to others. Even though I don't do it as much as I would like, I still show it. I show it by helping others like if they drop something, or if they need help on homework, or when my great grandma was sick I helped out a lot with her. I show charity to others because Jesus would do it, and it is the right thing to do, and others would do it for you if you needed help.

    Somethings that people my age can do to show charity are helping people getting notes if they were sick, or helping your grandparents. Charity doesn't necessarily mean doing something big. The smaller things are the things that change peoples live for the better.

    I show charity to both. I think it is better to show charity to people you don't know because you don't know if their day has been bad or not, so that might make their day. but I also like showing charity to people I do know so then they can look back on that and say what s good friend you were.

    The ways I want to be more charitable is to donate my time to my neighborhood and my community, to volunteer at a shelter because I am always seeing people out on the streets with no were to go. I will think of how their lives have been and how good i have it and think of not putting myself first all the time.

  19. I try to show charity to others as much as I can. If someone drops their pencil bag I’ll try to help them pick up their stuff. I do it because I know that is what Jesus would have done.

    Like I said before, if a pencil bag spills, or if they drop their books. Make someone smile if they are having a bad day. You could share a treat that you got in your lunch that maybe others don’t have that good of a lunch.

    I try to show charity to others who I don’t know. I’ll try my best if they drop something or if they do something for me just a pleasant thank you. It can really make a persons day. It’s made mine before.

    If a neighbor who may be older, if they need help carrying groceries in or just help around the house. Stay after dinner to help my stepmom clean the dishes, instead of going off to play on my phone. I could help someone who I can tell is having a bad day, just to give them a smile. I could help at homeless shelters, I did it over the summer and I loved the look on people’s faces when they were so grateful we came to help them.

  20. 1) In all honesty, no I don't. I've either never time or I never knew of an event. I'm also lazy and only care to bare minimum unless I'm actually interested in what I'm doing or it's required that I actually try. I don't do things for others unless it benefits me in some way.

    2) Some things kids my age can do for charity is just volunteer in general, help someone in your own class or community. It doesn't matter what it is, it's easy to help those in need (even though I barely do it myself).

    3) When I do show charity, it's typically only to those I know because like I said, I don't do charity-charity work. I might tell a stranger that their bag is open on the train but does that really count? no, not really I don't think it does. so I generally only show charity to those I'm acquainted with or see on a daily basis.

    4) I can put in effort and offer advice to those around me who might need it, I can be more spatially aware and pay more attention to those around me and listen to their struggles even if I'm not the best of friends with them.

  21. 1. Yes I show Charity to others. I show Charity by helping others and donating my old shoes and clothes that don't fit. I do it because I Jesus has taught me to do this.

    2. Something a kid my age can do to show charity to others is to donate. If you have lots of things that don't fit anymore you can donate it.

    3. No. I show charity to people that need it. I usually show Charity to people I know. But it is better when you show Charity to people that you do not know.

    4. I would like to help the elderly more, and donate more. This is how I will be more Charitable.

  22. 1. Yes I do show charity to others. I show charity by donating my clothes or helping someone when they need it. I show charity because someone can use what I don't need.

    2. There are many ways we can show charity to others. We can show charity by donating our old stuff. Also by volunteering for our community.

    3. I show charity to people I know more often than people that I don't. It is a lot easier to show it to people you know.

    4. There are a few ways I can be more charitable. One way is by going through my clothes and donating them more. Also by volunteering for stuff at school and more.

  23. 1. I do show charity to others by being their friend or helping them out. I show it by being there for them when they need someone to rant to. I also show it by talking to them when they need someone to talk to. I do this because I care about them and that's what I'm here for.

    2. Someone my age can show charity by helping their classmates out on homework. They can be a friend to someone that doesn't have many friends. They could also be there for a family member that needs their help.

    3. I show others charity as well as people I'm close to. I'm friends with many other kids out of my grade that don't have many friends. I show charity to them by helping them when they need someone to talk to or just a person to be there for them.

    4. I will be more charitable by helping others more than putting myself first before them. I can do this by cheering others up when it seems like their having a bad day. I can also give more people helping hands by being there for them when they need help on certain things.

  24. 1. I'm not necessarily a charitable person, but if I see someone who needs helps I would offer my assistance if know else would. But I really am not a charitable person, because I'm not openly going out and seeing and asking if others need help. Mostly because I'm either to lazy, or I don't see the task as big enough to need help with.

    2. There are a lot of things a kid my age could do to help others. Like helping older people with tasks they have problems with, or helping someone with a problem they have mentally, or something as small as just holding a door open for someone.

    3. Even though I'm not a very charitable person, I would offer my assistance to anybody who needed it. I may be lazy but it would be mean and just unkind to not help someone just because I didn't know them. I would help anybody no matter if I know them or not.

    4. I could be more charitable by taking time to see others problems more and just offering my help even if it seems like a trivial task to me. I could get more chances to help others by just simply getting up and looking around for anybody who needed help. And by prioritising others before myself.

  25. 1. Yes I am a charitable person. I show charity to others by holding the door for others and donating my clothes to charity. I show charity because i like seeing other people happy when i fill their buckets.

    2. Someone my age can do a lot to show charity. There are several service oppurtunities for people now. Some of these include volunteering at homeless shelters and serving food to the poor.

    3. I try to show charity to all people. It is easy to show charity to those who you know, but sometimes it is better when it is a random act of kindness for others. An easy thing is holding the door for others and just smiling at someone on the street.

    4. I could be more charitable. Everyone has room for improvement. I can be more charitable by making time to volunteer instead of just caring about myself. I can donate more of my old clothes and I can be moire caring of the other people in my life.
