
The subject for this week is the gift of the Holy Spirit - Generosity. Please watch the following video: 

The definition of Generosity is:  readiness or liberality in giving; freedom from meanness or smallness of mind or character.

So you see, that generosity is not only the giving of something (money, time, etc) it is also the idea that you are not mean, think mean thoughts, etc., and that you value everyone and do not judge anyone.  We are taught these things from a very young age.  These feelings are instilled in us and we are born to feel this way about others and ourselves.  The other feelings that people foster are taught.  We are born inherently good - we know that from the bible and from our God.  Why then do we allow ourselves to stray from that and think/feel other things?

Think about yourself and your family.  Were you raised to know that you and others are inherently good?  Are you generous with your time, talent, treasures?  Are you generous with your thoughts?  Do you treat others the way you want to be treated?

For this week, in your post, please answer the following questions:

1. What does generosity mean to you?

2. What did the song "We Are the World" mean to you? 

3. Find another appropriate (acceptable to parents) song that relates to generosity: State the title and write a short reflection on what the lyrics mean to you and why/how they pertain to generosity.


  1. 1. Generosity means a lot to me. It means that we should always be giving to others, and we should always be kind. We should be willing to give to others that don't have as much as we do. We should be always be giving to others.

    2. The song "We Are the World" has a very powerful meaning. In the song it says that we are the ones who make a brighter day, so let's start giving. It is saying to we are the people of the world, so we should live with each other, and give to others. It is saying that if we are going to live in harmony then we should be kind to others.

    3. The song "Man in the Mirror" by Michael Jackson relates to generosity and kindness. The message of this song is to improve yourself and become a better person. You can make a change in the world by becoming a better person. You can use virtues like generosity, love, kindness, and many more virtues.

  2. 1. I think generosity means that you are showing kindness and being gnerous to others even when they choose not to be. Being generous to other people is like trying to be the better person, for example if you are letting the person behind you come in front of you in a line. Generosity is a virtue that everyone should practice because you are putting others before yourself even if others choose to do the wrong thing.

    2. The song "We are the World" means to me that we as people can change something that is bad into something that is new meaning we can turn the negativity into something happy. It also means that when we are given an opportunity to give and be happy we should take that chance and change the world around us. I think the song talks a lot about how we have the ability to change what is around us and maybe not the whole world but one change can make us change the world one step at a time even if we don't realize it at the time.

    3. "Stand by You, by Rachel Platten is a song that relates to generosity. The lyric in the song "And hey, if your wings are broken
    Please take mine so yours can open too" relates to generosity because if a person loses something or needs to borrow something you can help them by giving them one of yours (with whatever it is). Being generous in this situation means if you see someone who may not have what you have or their thing is broken for example a pen or pencil, you can help them out by giving them one of yours in generosity. Another lyric that pertains to generosity is "Even if we're breaking down, we can find a way to break through". So if you and another person are struggling with something, being generous can also mean helping each other in the situation so both of you can figure it out together by being patient and generous with each other.

  3. 1) Generosity means a lot to me, but it really means caring for people. I care for a lot of people even if they don't really care for me too much. You really should be nice to people and care for them too.

    2) The song "We Are the World" mean't to me that when there are people getting hurt around you that you need to be there for them. You should always be there for people when their going through tough times or just when their down. Being there for someone and showing them generosity and love is being a good friend.

    3) I chose the song "Rescue" by Lauren Daigle. She talks about saving others and being there for them. She sends herself to them, helping them. She shows her generosity with showing them God and being there for them while being like God.

  4. 1) Generosity means many things to me. It means helping people that may be less fortunate then you. It also could meaning what you have with everyone even people who have more than you.

    2)The song "We are the World" means many things. It means that we a make up the world, and that if something bad is happening in the world it is on us to fix it and not just one person because all of us make up the world. We are the children who can come together to fix the world.

    3) I thing "Stand by You" is a song that represents Generosity. I think this because we need to stand by each other. We need to stand by each other even in hard times.

  5. 1. Generosity means a lot to me. I think it means we need to be kind to others. I think it also means that we need to be giving and love to others.

    2. The song " we are the world " can mean many things to me. It means that everyone makes up the world, our faults don't just rely on one person it's everyone's responsibility.

    3. I think the song "stand by you" represents generosity a lot. It talks about standing next to each other and being there for each other no matter what. We need to be there for eachother in good and bad times.

  6. 1. Generosity means to be kind and generous towards others. When you are being generous, you are putting in effort to give your time and to help others.

    2. The song “We Are the World” meant that we make this world what is actually is. All of us, as people, make this world a world. We all have bad days, but we make the world what we want it to be. If everyone acted kind, this world would be a lot better. We can start to make a change and see where it leads us.

    3. I chose the song “Beautiful People” because the writer of the song is telling us that we are beautiful people. The song is about everyday life and what people do. No matter what we do, we will always be loved by God and be beautiful people. This song could inspire others to show who they truly are.

  7. 1. For me, generosity is not just a word. Generosity means a lot to me. Generosity is putting others needs before your own. Generosity is leaving the past behind to help someone. Generosity is biting the bullet, so others don't have to. Generosity is helping someone, even if it might hurt you. Generosity is not giving up on someone. Generosity is choosing to help people for no reward.

    2. For me, the song “We Are the World'' means a lot. It says something like that we can go on pretending that the world is going change. It also says that “We stand together as one.”. This means that we have to be kind to each other if we want it to change. We are all united in some way, so we need to help each other out.

    3. The song “Generosity” by Jerome Collins relates to generosity. The message of the song is to convince people to be more generous to each other to make the world a better place. This song talks about how generosity is important, and why we need more of it.

  8. 1. To me generosity means to be kind. It means doing more than what is expected. You are willing to put others before yourself. Being generous is giving to others.

    2. The song "We are the World" means that we can help people and the world change. It means that we all need to come together and be with each other. We are all humans and we all make mistakes. We can help each other fix those mistakes and be kind to each other.

    3. I think the song "stand by you" represents generosity to me. In the song it talks about being one together. It talks about helping each other and standing with each other.

  9. Generosity means being kind and giving others things. Not only objects, but spiritual gifts too. Giving someone something is generous because it was you didn’t have to do, but you do it anyway to show your kindness. Showing your kindness towards someone is generous.

    The song means that just because something is bad, it doesn’t always stay that way. We can turn things that are bad into good. God will help us out when we need it too.

    The song called "Generous" is about generosity because it shows that feeling generous is a good feeling. Knowing that you’re giving to a good cause is so good because you feel God. I like the song because it is very motivating to help others.

  10. 1. Generosity means a lot to me. To me generosity means being kind to others. Generosity means giving to the less fortunate, this is being generous because you are showing your love for God and others. You are also showing kindness.

    2. The song "We are the World" has one main meaning which is to make the world a better place. It also means the just because something is wrong, it doesn't mean you can't change it. God will always help us.

    3. The song "Humble And Kind" by Tim McGraw relates to generosity. This song relates to generosity because it is telling you to always stay humble and kind and to always think of others. It is saying no matter what race, gender, etc. you should treat everyone respectfully and kindly.

  11. 1. To me generosity means to be kind and helpful to others. We need to reach out to others and help them, and it shouldn't be my force but choice. We need to have love for others and for ourselves.

    2. What the song "We are the World" means to me is that us as a nation need to come together as one. We all need to put our differences aside with each other and just care and love for one another. We are all children of God, so we need to help each other with problem we may face.

    3. I think the song "Its You" shows generosity a lot. It shows generosity because this guy is reaching out to someone who is broken . He knows how it feels, so he wants to help her and put her back on her feet.

  12. Generosity means a lot to me. It means being kind and loving to others even if you do not agree with their actions or if you do not like them. We should be giving and help everyone not as fortunate as us.

    The song “We are the World” has a strong meaning. It is saying that we can help the world and help it stay pure. That’s what this song means to me.

    The song “Stand by you” also has a strong meaning to me. It is staying that no matter what I will always be there for you whenever and wherever. We should always be there for each other in good times and bad.

  13. 1.Generosity means a lot to me. Generosity means being nice and kind to others and giving back to others. It means giving back to those who have given to you. Generosity means always being nice and to give back.

    2. The song "We are the World" has a strong meaning. It is telling us that only we can make the world a better place. You need to give back to others and make things good. God will always be there to help us make the right decision.

    3. I think a song that relates to Generosity is "Man in the Mirror" by Micheal Jackson. The song talks about making a change. It says "If you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make a change." This line is saying that if you want to be kind and make the world better you have to start with making yourself a better person.

  14. 1. Generosity means that you should give things to people who, not just are not as fortunate, but everyone. It doesn't have to be material things either; I can give them a smile to brighten their day. I can show them some kindness so they don't feel sad during a bad day.

    2. We are the World meant that we are the world , we are the people of the world. What better way to start making a good change then to start giving. They saw that you can show someone some love and they will show other people love too, it's a ripple effect
    3. The song would be “Stand By You”. The lyrics are “you’re not alone” meaning you are there with them and they are not going to let you down. They are giving you their time and love because they are generous.

  15. 1. Generosity to me is thinking of others before yourself and being willing to give to those who need it. Being generous is putting your wants and needs below others.

    2. The song “We are the World” means a lot to me. It means we don’t have to give huge things to others to be noticed for our generosity but the little things that can really help someone. The little things like making someone smile or laugh and helping them up when they are down are the things that rlly show generosity.

    3. I saw many people chose “stand by you” I didn’t understand at first but I realize that it fits generosity perfectly. It shows that people are genuinely generous and are there for you when u need it most. They will give there time or a shoulder to cry on for you.

  16. 1. Generosity means alot to me. Being generous means to help someone. If you are generous to them, they will be generous back. It shows that you are selfless and think of others before yourself.

    2. The song “we are the world” means lots of things to me. It means multiple things, one of them is that we are all here for each other no matter what. It also means that we, the people of the world, should be generous to everyone.

    3. The song I chose was “stand by you”. It shows that they will be by your side no matter what happens to them. It says to be generous with your love for others as well. This is true generosity, helping others no matter what happens to both of you.

  17. 1. Generosity can mean many things. I think it means we need to be nice and virtuous with others. I think it also means that we need to be giving to others.

    2. The song "We Are the World" means many things to me. It means that we all make up the world. If everyone was nicer the world would be better. We have to work together as a team.

    3. I think the song "Stand by You" shows generosity. In the song it talks about being there for each other no matter what. We need to be there for each other in good and bad times. It also talks about working together.

  18. Generosity means many things. Like helping a class mate out or giving someone that you see on the street food. Anyone can be generous if you just try. Generosity is being kind to others and helping others out.

    The song "We Are The World" meant to me that it doesn't matter who you are that we can all live in the world peacefully. There doesn't need to be drama and that we should all help others out.

    The song I choose is "One Day" by Life Vest Inside. This song is talking about generosity by talking about how we should always help people no matter their race, age, or gender.

  19. Generosity means a lot to me. Generosity means to be giving without wanting nothing in return. Being kind and giving to others is generosity.

    The song "We are the World" meant a lot to me. The song meant that everyone in the world needs to come together and be nice. It also means that we humans are a team and we need to work towards peace.

    I think the song "Stand by You" shows generosity. The song has a similar meaning to "We are the World" as in we are a team. Both songs also state that humans need to work towards peace

  20. Generosity can mean a lot of things. One of which is being there for someone when they are hurt. That is what generosity means to me.

    The song "We are the World" means a lot of things. One of them being you always need to do big things as a team and not just as one. That is what the song we are the song "We are the World" means to me.

    I think the song "Man in the mirror" represents generosity. The reason I think this song shows generosity is because it is all about helping others. That is why I think that song represents generosity.

  21. Generosity to me means being selfless, being able to do good deeds out of the kindness of your heart without expecting a reward, being humble

    The song "We are the World" means that we're all one and have the same capabilities to do the same good deeds others do

    The song "Man in the Mirror" means that you should reflect on your actions and become a better person through your actions and words

  22. 1) Generosity means a lot to mean. It means when someone actually needs something, you should help them. You should give to the people that need it.

    2) The song "We are the World" means a lot to me. It means that would should always try to give and be generous. You should care more about giving than receiving.

    3) The song "Stand by you" shows generosity. It says that should always try to help someone and not always think about yourself. You should try and put other first.

  23. 1. Generosity means to me to give to people from the bottom and goodness of our heart without it thinking of getting something in return for it. Helping people less fortunate then and us and not looking for someone to give us recognition for it.

    2. It meant to me that all of these people came together to make this song. This song shows that people need to come together and be one person. To give to the less fortunate and help the people who really need help.

    3. The song "One Love" talks about showing love and generosity and coming together as one. The lyrics “One love, One heart, Let’s get together and feel all right” clearly states that love is for all and giving is for all as well there is not only certain people who can receive all the people in the world van receive these graces if we come together.

  24. 1. Generosity to me means the virtue of giving to others what you may not have or don't need. Like for example, a person can be generous by giving another an extra sandwich for lunch.

    2. The song "We are the World" meant to me that we need to help others. To be more generous and kind to help others with their lives instead of focusing so much on our own.

    3. The song I chose that relates to generosity is Go Make a Difference. The main lyrics in the song 'go make a difference' mean to me that we should, as it says simply go make a difference, Try to help others for a change and make the world a better place.
