The Greatest Love

This first blog page is all about learning to love yourself.  As the graphic states, "your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have."  What does that truly mean?  Is this the same as self-absorption?  NO!  This means to have confidence in yourself in what you look like, dress like, act like, etc.  Do you like yourself?  Do you like to be alone with yourself?  You must learn to be content in your own skin before you can be content with your relationships with others.  How then can you have good relationships if you don't have one with yourself?  Contemplate that for a bit.  We will discuss it in class as well.  

1.  Why is this concept so important?

2.  Do you fully understand this concept?  Why or why not?

3.  What things are stopping you from loving yourself?

4.  Do you think that you are "Enough"?


  1. This concept is important because when you learn to love yourself you learn how to love others. As we learn to love others as we love ourselves we will grow closer in love with God. Loving yourself is very important because it helps you understand what God sees in you and how you are a creation of God.

    I don’t think that I fully understand this concept. I don’t fully understand this concept because I still struggle to completely love myself. One I fully love myself then I will be able to fully understand this concept.

    There are many things that are stopping me from fully loving myself. I think one of the things is the mistakes I have made. A few of the other things are my flaws and insecurities.

    There are some days when I think I am enough and some when I don’t think I am. Most of the time I don’t think I’m enough because of things I’ve done and let happen to me. I think once I come to terms with what has happened and come to terms with my sins then I will be enough.

  2. 1. This concept is important because once you know how to love yourself then you know how others should love you and you know what you are worth. We also learn how to love others by knowing how to love ourselves. Sometimes you don't need the validation of someone else loving you to make you happy, sometimes true happiness can come from loving yourself. Lastly by loving others you learn how to love God because God is in each and every one of us.

    2. I don't fully understand this concept. I sometimes love myself and I am proud of myself, but sometimes I don't and I let my flaws get in the way of fully loving myself. There are still things that I'm learning about myself that might be good, but also might not be. I do think that eventually I will fully love myself, once I learn to except my flaws and insecurities.

    3. There are some things that are stopping myself from fully loving me. These things mostly depend on other people and what they think of me. I often find myself not being able to stand up for myself because I'm scared of how that could backfire on me. I also have many insecurities with my personality. When I am alone and sad I sometimes wonder why I have any friends with all the flaws I have, and those thoughts make love come to a screeching halt for me.

    4. I am enough to my family, and to some of my friends, but often I feel that I will never be enough, because I don't amount to other people, or what other people do. It just seems like I'm only ok compared to others because I don't do anything amazing in life, I'm only ok. I also feel like if someone doesn't love me I am not enough for myself, but I only need me in life. I know that I don't have to be enough because I have people in my life that love me for who I am, and not a fake me.

  3. This concept is important because, if you don't love yourself it starts to show. People will notice that something might be wrong. It might also be hard to be yourself around others too. You might not be able to truly show how you feel. Sometimes it will be hard to love others too and not value yourself to who you really are or who people think you are.

    For the most part I understand this concept. I understand that if you don't love yourself then you will tear yourself down and sometimes it will show. People might notice that you are acting differently and get worried. Or they might think differently of you and not like you anymore. It could base off your whole relationship with that person.

    Well one thing that keeps me from loving myself are my insecurities. Maybe other people won't notice anything or think anything but I do. No matter how many times people say that it would be untrue, I don't see that. Also just little things I do. Even if it doesn't matter at all in the long run and will be forgotten about by the next day I can't forget it.

    Normally no. Sometimes if I'm just having a good day and feel good then I will think that I am enough. If I'm having a bad day then most likely I will not think I am enough. Even if it is just a normal just something would make me think I am enough.

  4. 1. I believe this concept is important because if you don't love yourself you are never going to have confidence to achieve things. You wont be able to do the things you love. You need to love yourself so you can believe that God loves you.
    2.I don't fully understand this concept. I don't fully understand the concept because currently I don't fully love myself. If and when I fully love myself then maybe then I will understand this concept more.
    3. There are things that currently are stopping me from love myself. Sometimes I think I am not good enough. I am always worried someone is going to judge me for me.
    4. Sometimes I will achieve something I have been working on or get a good grade. I will be proud of myself but I never really think I am good enough. I always think of what I could have done better.

  5. 1. This concept is so important because, it teaches us how to love be confident and love ourselves the way we are. I think this is also important because it shows and we can learn from this by finding our true self even through our insecurities. If we can't love ourselves they way we should, it is hard to love others and having a closer relationship with God.

    2. I'm not quite there with understanding this concept because, having insecurities sometimes causes me to have stress over not embracing who I love to be and what I love to do. This concept is still a working process for me also because, who I want to be and who I love to be challenges me at school when I think people might judge on how I look or my opinion on things also comes into play, and its sometimes hard to embrace it or be happy with it. Overtime I definitely know that I will change but also be happy with who I am now whether what other people about it, and of course I will understand this concept a whole lot better.

    3. The things that are stopping me from loving myself are definitely, liking different kinds of music without people thinking it's weird or stupid and clothes without people thinking it's not in style or "trend". One of the other things that kind of stop me from loving myself is, my face with braces! I don't know why but this is been a thing with me ever since 6th grade where I don't think I look good with them even though people say "oh you look so nice". Maybe it's just me but, another thing that stops me from loving myself is, is overtime I feel like even without braces before and now but I've always felt that my face in general is just odd looking or weird, but I know that kind of keeps me from loving myself a lot especially when I go to school or whatever.

    4. I feel that I'm not always enough to what people expect me to be like in school for instance or in sports. At home or at public events, I do feel that I am enough because I feel better about myself when there are people who don't judge me for the way I look or what I say and are there to help and support me, even if I have a different opinion on something or have funny humor. This is an insecurity I have about being enough or not but, I feel as I go through my life thinking that I am not enough, it will be harder then to love myself going back to the original concept but if I go through life thinking I am enough, I will succeed and overcome any fears or insecurities I have because I know I am capable of doing so.

  6. 1. This concept is so important because you have to learn to love yourself before you love others. If you don't love yourself, and you aren't satisfied with who you are there is no way you are going to be in a long lasting relationship. If you have confidence in the way you look and act your mind will be at ease, and you won't have to constantly worry about yourself.

    2.I fully understand this concept. I understand it because I know that if you aren't confidant in yourself you won't get anywhere in life. You won't be able to keep a good relationship with others. You just won't have a good mindset on life in general.

    3. There are things that can stop me from loving myself. They can be the way I look, act, or speak. Any flaws that I may have or any mistakes I may make can make be feel dumb or make me feel bad about myself. Sometimes not being as good as others makes me feel bad about myself. I do try to push those thoughts away, and try to overcome them which helps.

    4. I do think that I am "enough". I think that I am a good person just the way I am. I usually don't have to many insecurities that bring me down. I know that all of my friends like me, and my family loves me. I know that I'm a good and smart kid. That' how I know I'm "enough".

  7. 1. This concept is so important because you have to learn to love yourself before you love others. If you don't love yourself, and you aren't satisfied with who you are there is no way you are going to be in a long lasting relationship. If you have confidence in the way you look and act your mind will be at ease, and you won't have to constantly worry about yourself.

    2.I fully understand this concept. I understand it because I know that if you aren't confidant in yourself you won't get anywhere in life. You won't be able to keep a good relationship with others. You just won't have a good mindset on life in general.

    3. There are things that can stop me from loving myself. They can be the way I look, act, or speak. Any flaws that I may have or any mistakes I may make can make be feel dumb or make me feel bad about myself. Sometimes not being as good as others makes me feel bad about myself. I do try to push those thoughts away, and try to overcome them which helps.

    4. I do think that I am "enough". I think that I am a good person just the way I am. I usually don't have to many insecurities that bring me down. I know that all of my friends like me, and my family loves me. I know that I'm a good and smart kid. That' how I know I'm "enough".

  8. 1. This concept is very import to, because I feel that if you love yourself for who you are then it will be a lot easier to love the people that are hard to love. Some people are very easy to love, but loving yourself can be very difficult at times. If you master to look past your own flaws and see the good in you, then it will be easy to do with people that are very hard to love.

    2.I do not fully understand this concept, because at times I can be very cocky and like to trash talk. I believe that I am only like this in sports and other physical events. I think that trash talking helps get people more involved in the sport. I think trash talking brings out the best in people when it comes to sports. I know that this is wrong and that I should change, but it is just very hard to do. I guess I just don't realize that being self-absorbed can make your friends not want to be friends with you.

    3.There are things that can stop me from loving myself. There is only a few things that I can think of that makes me stop loving myself. The reason that there is only a few is because I learned to stop caring what people think, because I don't want to be fake. I don't want to be different when I am around certain people, so I just always act myself. I think that people who are fake will use you, lie to you, be unkind, and not really care about there "friends", and that is not who I want to be. One of things that bothers me is being mean. I try to be as nice as I can, but when people are mean to me I can only take so much before I become mean. When I realize that I have been mean I get very upset with myself, and I always think how that person is feeling from what I said or did. I also get on myself for failure. I hate failing and giving up. Failing and not giving up is one thing , but when I fail and cant do about I get mad at myself.

    4.I don't feel like I am enough, and I don't know if I ever will. I can always be better. I can always make a better play, I can always get better grades, and I can always make better decisions in life. I can win a basketball game, but I can always have done better. I won't ever think I am enough until I make my mark on the world. Even if I make my mark on the world I don't know if I will be enough, because if I have that mindset, then I will get nowhere in life. I was told to think that I can always do better.

  9. 1. This concept is important to me because you have to love yourself first before you can love others. You also really have to find your dignity in yourself too before finding it in others. God also pushes you to find your dignity in yourself and for you to respect yourself first.

    2. Yes, I do fully understand this concept because it's all about you and putting yourself first than worrying about how some other people are. You have to have respect for yourself and worry more about yourself and God. God helps with the dignity for you and how you treat yourself.

    3. Some things that are stopping me from loving myself are how others treat me. I know you shouldn't care how others think or treat you, but it's a big deal to me. I worry more on how others think than how I think of myself.

    4. I do most of the times think that I am enough, but sometimes it's hard. I can sometimes think that I'm not enough when I make a mistake or mess up on something and it hurts me sometimes. When I don't think I'm enough I just relax and sometimes try and help myself think over that I am enough. You just have to get through the tough times of thinking that your not enough when you really are.

  10. 1) This concept is so important because loving yourself lets you love everyone else. Jesus said “Love your neighbor as you love yourself”, this means the only way to truly love others is by loving yourself. God made you in his image and likeness, everything God designs is beautiful that means you are too.

    2) I fully understand this concept because God made you so you are perfect. It means loving others is easier when you love yourself. All those “imperfections” you pick through in the mirror, no one else has those exact ones. Having those “imperfections” just makes you more beautiful because it makes you unique and at the same time it keeps us unified.

    3) Things stopping me from loving myself ARE those imperfections I pick out in the mirror. You have to love yourself no matter what. What used to be a problem but isn’t that hurtful anymore is judgement, and those people who judge and others most likely don’t love themselves either. They try to bring others down, and when they break me down I get back up and remember God is the only one with the power to truly judge us, which through our frailties, he will love us ‘till the end of time.

    4) Yes, I am enough. For myself, for God, and for others although they may not realize that. I am me and if you don’t like it, too bad, I’m not going to change because you think I’m not “enough.” I am, and always will be because that’s how God made me. I need to keep that confidence with me because other will try to break me down, and they try to hurt me because inside they are hurting, but I will always get back up because I am beautiful. You are too.

  11. 1. This Concept is important because you have to love yourself before you can love the world around, and if you don't love you self then you won't have confidence in yourself. Also if you don't love yourself then you won't find a long lasting relationship. If you learn how to love yourself then you have nice happy life.

    2. I don't really fully understand this concept. The reason is I don't really know what it is like to fully understand what it is like to fully love myself, but sometimes I will fully love myself. When you love yourself is when you will find your dignity.

    3. The things that are stopping me from loving myself is the people and the world around me. Also another thing that stops me is what others think about me, it seems like one wrong move and you will get ridiculed for it. That is why I can not fully love myself.

    4. I don't think I am enough, but sometimes I do. The reason is sometimes the world around me can be rude and make me not feel like enough. That is why I don't feel like I am enough.

  12. 1. This concept is important because when you love yourself it is easier to love others. When you love yourself you gain confidence. God made everyone in his image and likeness so it is important to love yourself

    2. Yes I fully understand this concept because made you in his image and likeness. We should put ourselves first in some situations. In other situations other people should come first.

    3. I don't think there are any things keeping me form loving myself because I don't really take things from people who are mean I just walk away.

    4. I don't really know what this is asking, but sure. it depends on the situation.

  13. When you learn to love yourself you can also learn to love other people and God. Once you learn to love yourself it can strengthen your faith and can make you happier. If you love and care for other you can be a better person in general.

    I understand this concept because it is saying to learn to love yourself which can help in the future. If you can understand to do that now who knows what it can do in the future to help you. In the future it can help with other people to like you and will help your relationship with God.

    Some things that stop me from loving myself are the things I'm surrounded by. People can bring you down sometimes but you just have to keep your head and understand that people love you and care for you. Others can say things that bring you down but those are the people who you have to ignore and keep moving on with your life.

    Sometimes I don't feel like I'm enough. Some reasons are I feel like if I don't make someone happy they wont care anymore. The world now a days can be bad and those are some of the things that make me feel like I'm not enough.

  14. 1) This concept is important because it tells you to be yourself and love yourself. You are created in God's own image and likeness, so no one should change who they are. You should be yourself and accept that you are who you are.

    2) I do not completely understand this concept. the reason I don;t is because when I do something wrong and I know I can do better, I get down on myself. I feel I'm not going to well, but I know I need to keep strong and have confidence in myself.

    3) The things that keep me from loving myself is me. When I don't believe I can do something, I get upset and get angry at myself. Also, making my friends upset makes me feel like and bad person and that makes not like myself.

    4) Sometimes I do not feel like I am enough. But I know I am to God. He has made me how he wanted, in his own image and likeness. So to him, I am enough, and so is everybody else.

  15. 1. This concept is important because you have to love yourself before you can love others. If you don't love yourself you will never be confident in who you are. Also if you aren't confident in yourself, you won't be be concentrated and you will just be worrying about if you do something wrong.

    2. I fully understand this concept. God made us the way we are for a reason. You can't let others tear you down because of what's going on in there lives.

    3. Some things things that are stopping me from loving myself are how I get treated sometimes. Even if someone says something as a joke, I sometimes don't take it as one and it gets in my head. Then I try to change so people don't think the same thing they did before.

    4. No I do not think that I am enough. I know that I can do better in school or in sports. I always think of what I can do better instead of what I have done right.

  16. 1. This concept is important because many don't find themselves enough and always try to be different in front of others. If you can't be content with yourself how can you be with others. Its important because it can help to make yourself happier and live better.

    2. I fully understand this topic, it's telling us to be content with who you are and if your aren't, it's being pointed out to show them it can help them. I understand it because I tend to see others not ack like they do in front of me than to someone else. And I have experience in the subject myself.

    3. Nothing really stops me from not liking myself, but if it was anything it would be appearence and others opinions. Nothing really gets under my skin because others opinions of myself really don't matter to me unless they are someone important to me. And if something does get me a little down it's not for very long.

    4. I think I am enough for myself. I don't hold people's opinion of me very highly at all unless they are important to me. If someone has a comment about me or if they don't something about me, it doesn't really matter because in the long run they aren't someone that really matters in my life.

  17. This concept is so important because when you love and respect your self you feel better on a daily basis. If I don't respect myself or love myself I will feel lost, I will feel like I don't have any meaning and that my life doesn't matter. You need to love yourself so you can feel better about yourself altogether.

    I fully understand this because it makes a lot of sense to me. If you don 't love and respect yourself you will look down on your self. You won't feel like you matter to anyone you know or anyone you meet.

    I have a couple things that keep me from loving myself. When I hurt others accidentally it makes me feel horrible like I just ruined someones day. I have a type of comedy that I make joke about people in a joking way but they don't get that and they take it seriously and I feel horrible. another thing that stops from loving myself is when I cant do things, I try and try again repeatedly and I just can't do it.

    I think that I am enough sometimes, but other times I don't. There are times when I feel really accomplished and really good about myself. Then there are other times when I feel lost and I can't do anything with my life.

  18. 1. This concept is important because I feel many people can bring themselves down more just because they don’t love themselves. God made everyone with a purpose and part of your purpose is to love someone and share part of your life with them but you can’t do that when you don’t love yourself. If you are constantly telling yourself negative things you aren’t just hurting yourself inside but also God.

    2. I understand this concept fully because if you do not love yourself, your insecurities will attempt to bring others down. If you don’t love yourself, you can’t possibly be happy and positive and will always be miserable. I want to live a happy, healthy life, not a negative one.

    3. I try not to let others bother me, but sometimes they do and it makes me question loving myself. In the past, I would automatically allow those emotions to get the best of me. However, I have learned more recently how to cope with the negativity because of my support system and not allow them to compromise my self worth.

    4. I think I am enough because my family and friends make me feel important and loved. I have an amazing support system that are always there to lift me up in my struggles. I’m very grateful for what I have and I feel that helps me love myself.

  19. 1. Loving yourself is important because it teaches you what love really is. One of the 10 Commandments says to love your neighbor as yourself. This means that to truly love others you must love yourself first.

    2. I fully understand this concept because I love myself. I also realize that it can be hard to make yourself the most important part in your life. Sometimes I feel like I should give my love to someone else.

    3. The things that are stopping me from loving myself is grades, sometimes if you get a bad grade you could blame it on yourself and think you didn’t study enough. It can also be people bringing you down and saying that your one something bad when your not. Sometimes it feels selfish to love yourself when you could give it to others. People may bring you down for your religion and what you believe in.

    4. I think I am enough. I may not always be perfect but I still think I am enough. Sometimes it feels like I am not enough when something bad happens, like failing, or people bringing you down, but I always come back to thinking that I am enough. I also think that everyone is enough and belongs in Gods image in lightness.

  20. 1). This concept is important because I see a lot of people bring themselves down just because they don't love themselves. They hide who they truly re just because of what they think people will think, and they closed off from the rest of people because they don't love themselves. they think it is okay to be a different person on the outside than the inside.

    2). I don't fully understand this concept because if I did I would love myself, I wouldn't feel like I'm not allowed to be myself around others. I would be who I want to be and not keep it inside. I would be confident. I wouldn't feel so depressed all the time.

    3). Some things that are stopping me from loving myself are the people I'm surrounded with. They are constantly judging each other and myself. I think I would be able to love myself if i didn't seek their approval all the time.

    4) I don't think that I am enough, but i know that the people who love me know that I am enough because they see me for who I really am, and so does God. Sometimes I have nobody to turn too and i can't let it all out, so i keep it inside. I know that God knows I am enough because everyone is enough in his eyes but never in their own.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. This concept is important because before can can fully love God and others you have to fully love yourself. Being able to love yourself is loving God because he created you in his image. You will be a happier and kinder person if you can be happy with who you are.

    I do not completely understand how to achieve this concept. I compare myself to others which brings me down ecspecially when I compare myself who post unreal images of their lives and bodies on the internet. My insecurities get the better of me and I do not know how to not let them get the best of me.

    Some things that stop me from loving myself fully are others who also don't love themselves. Those people tend to want to make other people feel hoe they do so they will try to bring them down as well. These people will get the best of me and I will start to think less of myself
    I do not believe I am enough. There is always someway or somehow I can improve. I hate the feeling of not being enough, feeling like i am not enough to be friends with a certain person or enough to be on my soccer team. I want to be enough and I know I am but I do not feel that way.

  23. 1. Why is this concept so important?
    This concept is important because to be able to love someone else and to have a stronger relationship with God you have to love yourself. If you love yourself that helps you strengthen your relationship with God and you can be really open and totally honest.

    2. Do you fully understand this concept? Why or why not?
    I feel like I do and I don't. I know what it means but I don't feel that I fully embody this concept. When I fully embody this concept then i can further understand it and even help others get to a point where they embody it and understand it.

    3. What things are stopping you from loving yourself?
    I think that there are many things stopping me from loving myself. One of them is always wondering what people are thinking about me and caring too much about what others think about me. People judging me also stops me from loving myself because i can never be my true self and real show myself because I am always worried about people judging. How am I supposed to be able to open up to God if I can't even be my true self around my friends.

    4. Do you think that you are "Enough"?
    At times I do and at times I don't. When it hasn't been the best day and I am feeling down I doubt myself but I know that am enough i just have to find it in myself and show it to myself. On good days when I surround myself with good people that make me feel good about myself and I can be myself then I feel I am enough. I know that i will always be enough to God no matter how bad or good my day has been and I have to remember to carry myself by that.

  24. Loving yourself is important because you are created in the image and likeness of God and if you love yourself, then you love God. Also, you have to love yourself before you can love others. Too many people always down themselves about their body and that's never good.

    I do understand loving yourself. I try to always remind myself that it isn't good to down yourself. If I have a bad day, then I try to cheer myself up.

    There are several things that stop me from loving myself. One of them is insecurities. Another one is failure but I know that's silly because failure leads to success.

    The people that love me think that I'm enough. My friends and family have always supported me through rough times. I know for a fact that God thinks I'm enough because he loves everyone unconditionally.
